Abumiya Hoen

“Bear-Sending” by Abumiya Hoen
“Bear-Sending” by Abumiya Hoen / Yakumo Town Kumaishi Historical Museum Collection

Japanese Painter

Meiji Period, Taisho Period, Showa Period



Painting the Ainu

Abumiya Hoen was a painter of the Japanese tradition, who depicted Ainu people in his art. Born in Kumaishi in 1880, he left for Tokyo after graduating from elementary school with the aim of becoming an artist. He became a pupil of Yokoyama Taikan, and studied the Japanese style of painting. In Showa 13 (1938) he returned to Kumaishi, where he expanded his creative activities.

The Mallet Dance
“The Mallet Dance” by Abumiya Hoen/ Yakumo Town Kumaishi Historical Museum Collection