


Meiji Period, Taisho Period, Showa Period

Yu-rap, Funka Bay Coast


Leader of the Yu-rap Ainu

Ikotor, who was the leader of the Yu-rap Ainu prior to Shiiku Toshizo (Toitarek), guided Tokugawa Yoshichika to Mount Yurappudake for bear-hunting, together with several seasoned Ainu bear-hunting veterans. Yoshichika ate and camped together with the group and learned about Ainu history and way of life during the hunting trip in the snow.

For example, he was taught how to quench his thirst by affixing a snowball to a tree branch and dipping it in the river, thereby saturating it with drinkable water to suck.

Ikotor and Shiiku Toshizo
Ikotor is fourth from left, and Shiiku Toshizo is fifth.